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Col0rado Serum


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"This product has been shown to be effective in the vaccination of healthy cattle against infections caused by Salmonella dublin and Salmonella typhimurium. This product was licensed prior to the requirement to establish a minimum age for use. The duration of immunity is unknown. For more information regarding efficacy and safety data, see productdata.aphis.usda.gov. DIRECTIONS: Do not vaccinate within 21 days before slaughter. Shake well before use. Use entire contents when first opened. Store at 2° – 8° C. Do not freeze. Do not mix with other products. Safety in pregnant animals is unknown. PRECAUTIONS: Anaphylactoid reaction may occur following administration of products of this nature. If noted, administer adrenalin or equivalent. In case of human exposure, contact a physician."

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In areas where Salmonella infections have been a problem, cattle should be given two subcutaneous injections of 2 ml each at an interval of 14 - 21 days. Vaccination of adult cattle is recommended prior to placing them on feed. It is recommended that newborn calves be left on cows for 7 days, after which this bacterin can be administered. Historically, annual vaccination is recommended. Contact veterinarian for advice.

Formalin killed, aluminum hydroxide adsorbed cultures of Salmonella dublin and Salmonella typhimurium, bovine isolates. Contains thimerosal as a preservative.

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